Developing a diverse and inclusive culture within ScotRail

Overcoming prejudice and changing entrenched negative attitudes about equality and diversity issues is difficult. Organisations focus on developing inclusive approaches to employment policies and encouraging appropriate personal behaviours which supports the business context and particular circumstances. Engaging managers and staff to take responsibility for their own behaviours, and to operate within the specific organisational diversity guidelines requires that everyone knows and understands the policy, their role and responsibilities within it and the personal and business consequences of failing to manage within its procedures.

First ScotRail wanted their brand experience to be more inclusive, and for diversity to be embraced throughout the organisation. They revised their Diversity and Inclusion strategy and redeveloped their Dignity and Respect policy, then asked t4c to launch the new approach to all line managers within the organisation.

Launching the new policy to all line managers within the organisation was the first part of a wider campaign to encourage a more inclusive working culture. The campaign included the development of a dedicated and specialist investigative team, facilitated discussions with all staff using a bespoke film and a key messages communications campaign involving visuals, and internal publications.

Working in partnership with ScotRail, t4c developed an interactive, experiential one day conference workshop which launched the new policy to 500 line managers in 12 groups of 50, at different locations across Scotland. t4c wrote, and produced a bespoke film which was used during the conference, and then subsequently used within internal communications with front line staff.

The feedback was excellent, with all employees who attended rating their learning experience overall at an average of 86% satisfaction.

Julie McComasky, HR Director at ScotRail said:

“Thanks for the feedback, it is overwhelmingly positive which is great. As ever the t4c team were professional, supportive and well organised. The quality of facilitation is vital for this sort of event and sensitive topic and I think the feedback is a testimony to Julia, Stuart and Paul. Thanks for all your help in structuring the event and meeting some tight deadlines!”